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Monthly Updating Suite (Plans, Training and Exercise)
Monthly Updating Suite (Plans, Training and Exercise)
Monthly Updating Suite (Plans, Training and Exercise)

Product Code: 1001C

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Monthly Updating Suite (SB)*:

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How do you ensure your staff continues to get the training they need throughout the year?

What if you hire new staff in between your annual disaster training?

Disaster Plans are 100% useless unless your training remains fresh
! This fact is why we designed an elite, cutting-edge program that combines each element into our Monthly Updating Suite.

This version of the service, completely updated for 2017, has paper and technological elements!


We account for and monitor jurisdictional changes, regulations (state and federal), best industry practices worldwide, and major changes at your facility! Designed and customized by a Certified Emergency Manager and a Certified Business Continuity Professional expressly to your school, this plan will ensure your disaster programs and plans are as good as the day they were minted.


The Suite offers online training accessible by your staff 24/7/365 on any of their online devices. Our training is constructed in short, 5 minute or less modules so your staff can get quick familiarity with each element of your disaster program. We provide access to elite trainers and exercise at the tip of your fingers on your computer, tablet, or phone!

Our curriculum has been designed and constructed by a world-renowned speaker and trainer who is one of only 65 people (and the only disaster trainer) ever to be awarded the highest designation in professional speaking: The Accredited Speaker. He has over 200 awards in public speaking and training! This means you can be confident that the training content you and your staff receives will be of the highest caliber, and will be appropriate to every department.

We are known for our exciting and interactive delivery style! The Training Program will outline and deliver the quantity, type, and timetable of the disaster training for your facility in accordance to your state requirements, as well as state-of-the-art business continuity and emergency response procedures. From the Administrator to the dietary aides to the guy in the mail room...everyone will receive training in*:

  • Emergency Operations
  • Incident Command
  • Safety
  • Crisis Communication
  • Critical Function Recovery

...but that's not all!


The Updates will also include full exercise forms for you to use during your exercises. And we will even help you develop a debriefing and After-Action Report (AAR), which we will even provide in your administrative documents for your state health agency. These papers will be in a format utilized by FEMA and state agencies.

We rigorously follow the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) guidelines and will ensure that all the lessons-learned are incorporated into the disaster plans specific to your facility.

You get the expertise that would otherwise cost tens of thousands of dollars!

With this program, it is only a fraction of the cost! You won't find it anywhere else...because we invented this!

And the price won’t change when you purchase any of our Break Glass in Emergency threat annexes. So whether you get 1 threat plan or 100, we’ll keep them updated for the same low price!

Don't let your disaster plans and programs become obsolete!

Don't wait! With our Monthly Updating service, we'll keep you ready!

*Travel an extra fee based upon location and timing of Suite. Not a guarantee of recovery. Please see terms and conditions for details.

*Based upon the plan purchased.

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